Renforcer le contrôle
de votre domaine maritime

Renforcer le contrôle
de votre domaine maritime

Renforcer le contrôle
de votre domaine maritime

la solution stratégique à vos défis maritimes

Sécurité et sûreté maritime

Contrôlez votre ZEE

Missions auxiliaires

Exploitez votre ZEE

Soutien & services

Pérennisez votre investissement

Navires conçus pour accomplir vos missions

Choisissez votre bateau, selon les zones d’opération et le type de mission


Strategy and sovereignty
Maritime territory knowledge and management is a challenge for every country in terms of sovereignty, economical issues, safety and security at sea. Coast Guard, Maritime Police, Customs and Navies have to undertake a wide variety of missions in order to :
  • Secure the Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ)
  • Ensure safety at sea
  • Anticipate and respond to threats
  • Manage resources and the Blue Economy
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Blue economy and development
The Blue Economy has become one of the vectors for the development of the world economy. Most maritime countries have a strong ambition to develop the Blue Economy in a sustainable manner. Among the essential conditions for this development are a good knowledge of the EEZ as well as safety and security in the maritime domain.
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Environmental and economic sustainability
States must acquire and operate the means necessary to carry out their safety and security missions at least cost, while respecting the global goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to sustainably exploit their maritime domain.
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Quai de la Cabaude,
85100 Les Sables d’Olonne, FRANCE

02 51 76 01 00

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